Is it possible?ESP <or> Extrasensory perception is the term used to describe a means of getting information from other than the five senses that everyone uses as their primary means.
The five senses are seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting, and hearing. These are considered to be our 'normal' senses and any sense or gathering of information, is said to be 'extra', or out of the ordinary. When a person develops ESP, they have increased their mind power by a quantum leap above other people. It enables them to send and receive information almost at will to influence things that are important to them. ESP is mental telepathy, or we as humans other sense - could Sasquatch be using this to communicate with each other and us via mindspeak? Mind reading, clairvoyance, precognition are all perceived through mental telepathy. Mental telepathy makes possible the "knowing" about past future or current events that is not supposed to be part of our knowledge. When someone demonstrates an ability to send and receive information that is not part of their five ordinary senses, it is placed in the realm of "extra" almost as though it was bizarre or abnormal and not part of the human psyche or sense abilities. However, telepathic ability is available to all those willing to practice and learn how to increase this talent that is given to everyone at birth. While certain researchers believe they have had mindspeak or ESP, and PSI interactions, do you believe it's possible that ESP is real? If so what evidence suggests its credible? The ability to predict the future is a skill that could greatly improve everyone’s life. Just think of how you could bolster your financial security if you could tell what the stock market would be doing tomorrow or what the winning lottery ticket number will be. If you’re a student, your grades in school could be boosted immeasurably by seeing into the future and knowing what will be on your next test. Knowing what lies ahead in the future could also save your life. If you knew that a large truck would be veering through an intersection at the moment you would be crossing the street, you would cross another street to get to your destination. So have you ever had an ESP moment? Perhaps with a friend or loved one? We'd love to hear about it, let us know in the comments below or email us. BELIEVE By Tae Haahr Research Writer, Sasquatch Syndicate Inc.