Do Portals Exist?It has been discussed that Sasquatch as an inter-dimensional spirit or a multi-dimensional being or entity capable of moving between worlds via portals.
This type of paranormal phenomena, is the most controversial type of Sasquatch idea, but it has been documented to date by paranormal researchers. The idea that this type of activity may actually exist is still mostly theory and conjecture... although evidence is starting to be collected which may actually prove these "portals" exist. Many Sasquatch researchers reject the theories behind "portals" because they do not fit into their accepted ideas .... but we cannot afford to do this. But some researchers believe we cannot afford to just reject off-hand something that we simply do not understand. Just think, if we had done this, many researchers would still be thinking that "poltergeist" activity was the work of evil spirits.... and not activity caused by the hidden depths of the human mind. So, strange and nontraditional or not, the idea of the "portal" must be examined because evidence is starting to appear which just may surprise the doubters among you. The idea of a "portal" or a "doorway" to another dimension is not a new one. Many researchers believe that there are places all over the world that serve as "doorways" from our world to another. Some researchers even believe that they could be otherworldly beings from another dimension. If that sounds far-fetched, it isn't as strange as it sounds. Sasquatch have been reported and even photographed around what many believe to be "portals". Could be the Sasquatch moving between worlds or dimensions via portals? Or are portals a figment of our imagination, or perhaps a science we are yet to understand. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or email us. BELIEVE By Tae Haahr Research Writer, Sasquatch Syndicate Inc.