Are Shadow People Real?Look on any ghost hunting or paranormal site, or ask any investigator, and alongside ‘traditional’ ghosts and dust-orbs, there is another, far more unusual and much creepier facet of paranormal research. Shadow People Types:
One major difference between recorded cases of 'Shadow People' and 'ghosts' is that whereas ghosts usually haunt one particular location and somehow repeat their former existence there, Shadow People have been known to 'interact' in as much as they observe and then disappear when noticed. One might ask what exactly shadow people are. Theories currently include ghosts, inter-dimensional beings, time travelers, and demons. If shadow people are inter-dimensional beings or time travelers, there may not be much we can do to get rid of them because they would presumably have their own agendas and reasons for showing up. One may ask, "Why would they leave just because we wanted them to?" If this were the case, it would be challenging to know what they are up to and what their purpose was for showing up. If shadow people are demons, perhaps an exorcist is needed. Most researchers suspect, however, that shadow people, if they are really there, are a manifestation of a ghost or haunting. If it is a residual haunting or a non-intelligent "recording" on the environment, one way to possibly get rid of it is to alter the environment in some way. It is important to note that a residual haunting is harmless.
So is it possible Sasquatch is actually a shadow figure, and cloaking in fractals of geometric patterns of the forest? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, or email us. We'd love to hear from you. BELIEVE By Chuck Geveshausen Founder, Sasquatch Syndicate Inc.