Is Sasquatch a being of a higher plane? Quite simply, Ascension is the act of rising to an important position or evolving to a higher level of transcendence.
So what if Sasquatch is simply the next generation of transcendence? and is it possible Sasquatch is simply a more evolved human whose soul has come back through the spirit world to roam and protect the natural world? Our physical universe appears to co-exist with other physical and mental dimensions. These alternative dimensions of consciousness may be layered within our own physical space, parallel to our space, or linked by unknown designs around our dimensions. It is speculated that contained within our universe are energy waves that appear to be guided both by design and wisdom from a higher consciousness. Our dimension is inhabited by the vibrational energy of immortal beings we call souls who evolve by gaining knowledge and acquiring wisdom. Souls exist multi-dimensionally both within and beyond linear time and space. The natural domain of Souls who come to Earth is the non-physical dimension that we call the "spirit world" where Souls go between their incarnations. So is it possible Sasquatch sightings can be attributed to spirit sightings of ascended beings? Is it possible that a higher state of perfection may exist which is not accessible to souls still incarnating in the human body? Perhaps upon death these beings choosing the next vehicle of life may be choosing spiritual vehicles to exist and transform into a higher level of being, perhaps in the form of a Sasquatch? Perhaps ascended beings are responsible for the Sasquatch manifestation and what we are observing are spirits in a Sasquatch phase. Have you had an encounter with a spirit being in the Forest? Let us know in the comments below or email us. BELIEVE By Tae Haahr Research Writer, Sasquatch Syndicate Inc.