Is Sasquatch protecting us from ourselves?Is Sasquatch a spirit of sorts that governs the natural world? One of the more compelling theories on the subject is that Sasquatch is a spirit or forest deity of some sort that guides humanity on the instruction and protection of Earths living organisms.
There are stories of Sasquatch reprimanding Native American tribes on the forest destruction or showing their discontent or concern via stump decorations. In recent cases Sasquatch signs of displeasure and grief have been reported around logged and polluted areas within the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Is Sasquatch morning the destruction of nature? If Sasquatch is considered a guardian of nature, a spirit that represents the protector of the forest in many tribes. Perhaps these more benevolent creatures emerge and govern the forest at night choosing to shape shift from spiritual to physical form to provide balance to the forest and it's predators when required to. Perhaps Sasquatch is providing lessons for humanity on the self and well being of the Earth, and all it's wonders. If Sasquatch is Nature's Guardian, perhaps it's presence is the balance of the force within Nature. Well it's a beautiful theory anyway, and us humans need all the help we can get. What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below or email us. We'd love to hear from you. BELIEVE By Tae Haahr Research Writer, Sasquatch Syndicate Inc.