Does Sasquatch speak to humans via Mind Speak?For years Sasquatch researchers have been trying to reach Sasquatch by tromping through the forest, knocking on trees, and playing pre-recorded Sasquatch screams or attempting to Mimic a Sasquatch.
Unfortunately these methods haven’t been completely fruitful. When a Sasquatch hears Sasquatch researchers coming through the forest its instincts tell it to hide. But perhaps through Mindspeak, or Telepathy we can head fear off at the pass. Could this be the pre-contact communication that lets a Sasquatch know we mean no harm?, and if in fact you mean no harm. Perhaps cleansing and detoxifying your pineal gland would also help with sixth sense communication. Of course, if Sasquatch is telepathic, you have to wonder why we're not, especially given how closely related humans and Sasquatch's supposedly are. Perhaps our pineal gland is calcified as some researchers believe or perhaps Sasquatches are closer to mystical consciousness, than human beings are because they are not distracted by electronica – the computers, iPhones, televisions, cars, the chaotic hustle-bustle of human existence. So one would wonder if your are not telepathic and can not mindspeak, would it help to enlist a psychic to find Sasquatch? Perhaps a psychic could accompany you into the woods, establish telepathic contact, and ask Sasquatch if the two of you can get together for a session. A psychic can contact a nearby Sasquatch and ask for a face-to-face meeting. If you want to start investigating Sasquatch via telepathic means you will have to do it on your own. There are no workshops or classes for this. Development of psychic ability is something that is done quietly, by listening. Get some good books on psychic development. Experiment with your accuracy ratio, detoxify your pineal gland, and Meditate. Before long perhaps you’ll be able to discern the unspoken, unheard words that exist beyond the chatter of your own mind. So, if you're meditating one day, and in your mind you hear the lonesome howling of the Sasquatch, you'll know what's happened. Once you've established first contact, and it's now your duty to pursue that link and follow where it goes. Perhaps you or others have tried to use a psychic to speak to Sasquatch? We'd love to hear from you about your experience. Let us know in the comments below or email us. BELIEVE By Tae Haahr Research Writer, Sasquatch Syndicate Inc.