How strong would a Sasquatch be?To be honest the strength of such a creature is terrifying. If you correlate a Sasquatch to that of a Mountain Gorilla, you begin to realize that researching this topic in the forest, is probably not the safest idea in the world. The average Mountain Gorilla can lift up to 5,000lbs, or 5x it's body weight.
So imagine if you were to encounter a Sasquatch that is 3-5x the size of a gorilla. We are talking an absurd amount of power, and quickly you realize we are not on an even playing field even with the standard long-rifle or elephant tranquilizer. If a Sasquatch could lift 15,000lbs-25,000lbs, it is quickly apparent why trees are found planted upside down with little effort, or a 18" tree is snapped effortlessly, 6-9ft above the ground. Even dating back clear to mid 20th century, when stories from loggers in Washington, and California, observed heavy machinery tossed and scattered down mountain ridges as if they were Tonka Toys, or observing tree-fall in the middle of the day uncharacteristically, you have to ask yourself what in the world this creature is capable of. Have your own bizarre story of uncommon activity in the forest? Seen something interesting you wish to share? Please let us know in the comments below, or email us. We'd love to hear from you! BELIEVE By Kevin Weberling Research Writer, Sasquatch Syndicate Inc.