Do Sasquatch Howl and Scream like other Primates?Primates Scream and Howl, so why not Sasquatch? Sasquatch Screams or howls could be for many different reasons. Perhaps a display of territory like great apes, or perhaps, when they are spread out, similar to wolves pack members will howl to stay in touch with the rest of the group. On a calm day, screams and howls can be heard from miles away, and it is most likely screams are used as a form of long-distance communications during hunting or traveling, sort of how we use telephones today. Sasquatch may also use Screams to warn other Sasquatch away with their howls. It could also be noted that perhaps Sasquatch scream to celebrate their awakening from their den or climb out from their underground cave in which they dwell during the day. Or perhaps Sasquatch uses screams as a defensive technique, or to signify to the clan a successful hunt. Even further perhaps Sasquatch uses screams as a ritual mating call? While we are still unclear on what these vocalizations tell us, we do know they are down right terrifying. Sasquatch WhoopsWhoop vocalizations are arguably the quintessential Sasquatch vocal and sound just like the name implies. The best executed whoops start low and ascend rapidly in tone and volume to end abruptly, but variations do exist. During the examination of whoop vocals considered by this effort, two basic forms of the whoop have been identified. Interestingly enough, howling and whooping is also related to territory protection and mate guarding in primates. These sounds are created owing to their enlarged basihyal or hyoid bone, which helps them make loud vocalizations. ... The main vocal sounds comprise of a loud, deep guttural cry orhowl. The noisy primates are widely believed to be the loudest land animals. Have ever heard what you believe is a Sasquatch Scream? Please let us know in the comments below or email us. We'd love to hear from you.
BELIEVE By Chuck Geveshausen Founder, Sasquatch Syndicate Inc.