Freeze and Don't MoveIt has been suggested Sasquatch uses infrasound much like a Tiger to stun their opposition or prey. But is Infrasound real? If so, this would explain many encounters in which the witness is frozen in time unable to scream, take a photo, or pull the trigger of their gun, only to remain frozen while their mind try's to make sense of what they are experiencing Humans can only hear some of the sounds that tigers use to communicate," says Von Muggenthaler. "Humans can hear frequencies from 20 hertz to 20,000 hertz, but whales, elephants, rhinos, and tigers can produce sounds below 20 hertz." Could Sasquatch use this same ability? This low-pitched sound, called "infrasound," can travel long distances permeating buildings, cutting through dense forests, and even passing through mountains. The lower the frequency, the farther the distance the sound can travel. Experiments by the US military and others indicate that infrasound can have profound psychological and physical effects on humans and other animals. Humans exposed to various frequencies of infrasound have reported disorientation, nausea, fear, panic, sorrow, loss of bowels, drowsiness, visual hallucinations, chills, high blood pressure, increased blood flow, internal respiratory problems, and even organ damage. The US Navy reports that it is unsafe for humans to be exposed to infrasound at a level of 140 dB. It is reported that infrasound can rupture organs and make objects explode, and it is a matter of history that there has been research into sonic weapons. Not all infrasound is damaging. In fact, you are surrounded by sources of infrasound. Some natural sources of infrasound are waterfalls, ocean waves, earthquakes, and atmospheric phenomena like thunder and lighting. Even audible sound waves can interfere with sounds of other frequencies and cause an infrasonic interference wave. Most of these naturally occurring sources of infrasound emit noise that is of a very low level, or “loudness”. Many animals use infrasound for various purposes. Elephants use infrasound to communicate over vast distances. Whales use infrasound to navigate the oceans, much in the same way that dolphins use ultrasound to do the same. It is also known that whales, like dolphins, use sound waves to stun and catch fish. Tigers have infrasonic frequencies in their roars that seem to serve to confuse or stun their prey as well. Sasquatches might use infrasound for these very same reasons, and likely others. Being a wide ranging species that would often be separated from others, it would be beneficial to communicate by means of infrasound. Infrasound is not as readily absorbed by trees as are sounds of higher frequencies. In fact, infrasound can travel directly through trees and even the ground, theoretically enabling Sasquatches to communicate with others of the same species on the other side of a hill or mountain, far out of hearing range of normal vocalizations. For those that have had an encounter, the feeling of being frozen and hearing that deep guttural sound is petrifying.
Have you ever experienced this? Please let us know in the comments below or email us. We'd love to hear from you. BELIEVE By Chanelle Elaine CMO, Sasquatch Syndicate Inc.