Traveling via Vortices?However, unlike the previous three which are more or less permanent, easily sought out and experienced by crowds of tourists, lay persons, and New Agers, the vortexes in the Superstition Mountains, although equally as powerful or maybe even more so, are much more mysterious, subtle, and depend on the coming together of certain, but not always known to all, conditions (see). Also considered by some as vortex hot spots, and coincidentally, ALL in Arizona for some reason, are certain areas of the Grand Canyon, Sunset Crater, and the 50,000 year old meteorite impact site known as Meteor Crater (left).
According to Pete A. Sanders Jr. and Richard Dannelley in their works Scientific Vortex Information and Sedona Power Spot Vortex respectively, vortexes are labeled according to the direction of their energy flow. Up-flow Vortexes, where energy is flowing upward out of the earth; and Inflow Vortexes, where energy is flowing inward, toward the earth. Up-flow Vortexes are said to boost spiritual skills associated with going to a higher level. They are said to stretch or expand consciousness, like filling a balloon with air. Places labeled as a magnetic vortex are areas of inflow energy. An area labeled an electric vortex is an area of up-flow energy. Sometimes vortexes are refereed to as ‘positive’ or ‘negative.’ The terms are intended to be used more in a yin/yang fashion, meaning neither good nor bad, just being opposite. However, there are those that feel there actually are ‘negative vortexes’ in the sense of meaning bad or evil. Such a conception is not true. It is thought the misconception originated when Up-flow Vortexes were labeled ‘positive’ because of the tremendous exhilaration they generated. While an experience at an Up-flow Vortex is exhilarating, an inflow area generates a much more pensive feeling. Because the power of the vortex is flowing down rather than up, the energy at an inflow site feels heavier. On a spiritual quest or during introspective exploration, if not prepared, the first things people experience is Fear. As a result inflow areas are often thought of as negative or evil. In another vein, the swirling, spirial-shaped rock art and petroglyph images of Native Americans and other cultures such as found at the Fajada Butte, Arizona Sun Dagger site and the early European tribe petroglyphs at Mt. Bego in the Maritime Alps, France, are often associated in writing with vortexes by various authors and vortex supporters seeking a more concrete spiritual link. However, although the imagery easily fits into the idea and visual concept of the vortex and are found generally throughout rock art graphics, for the most part, none of the rock carved spirals are actually found to be connected with any known or major vortex sites. As well, even though present day New Agers and some Native Americans seem to embrace vortex sites as the in thing, it hasn't always been that way in all cases. For example, it is known that Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest have traditionally shunned the Oregon Vortex site, calling it "Forbidden Ground." So could Sasquatch be using earth's Vortex to provide energy, or an inter-dimensional gateway to the multi-verse or even beyond? A Vortex is a mass of energy that moves in a rotary or whirling motion, causing a depression or vacuum at the center.... These powerful eddies of pure Earth power manifest as spiral-like coagulation of energy that are either electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic qualities of life force." Thus said, Vortexes are areas of high energy concentrations, originating from magnetic, spiritual, or sometimes unknown sources. Additionally they are considered to be gateways or portals to other realms, both spiritual and dimensional. Vortexes typically exist where there are strong concentrations of gravitational anomalies, in-turn creating an environment that can defy gravity, bend light, scare animals, twist plant life into contorted shapes, and cause humans to feel strange. Many vortexes have been shown to be associated with Ley Lines and have been found to be extremely strong at node points where the lines cross. So do these ley lines have to do with inter-dimensional crossings? While researching electro-magnetic energy fields and investigating the various phenomenon that seem to happen in or around these naturally occurring energy anomalies, it was uncovered that their is a possibility that inter-dimensional portals may exists in these areas. Worldwide, the Great Pyramid in Eygpt and Stonehenge in England (see Left) are perhaps the most well known as centers of vortex activity, lesser known the Gog and Magog Hills. Often overlooked, not known, or discounted as vortex influences, but equally as powerful and fully interrelated in the overall scheme of things, are Personal Body Vortexes and solar or Sun Vortexes. Besides the worldwide sites mentioned above there are quite powerful vortexes in the United States. The most notable being the Oregon Vortex, Mount Shasta Vortex, and the four Sedona, Arizona vortexes and Superstition Mountain. Ever been to a Vortex? Have any weird experiences? What do you think about them? Please let us know in the comments below, or email us. We'd love to hear from you! BELIEVE By Tae Haahr Research Writer, Sasquatch Syndicate Inc. |
Alien Theory